Utility Management Group

Thank you for your interest in the Utility Management Group. Founded in June, 2000, we’re one of the oldest and most experienced energy brokers in Illinois. We review your services to make sure you are with the provider and program that is best suited for your business. If, after reviewing your services we can recommend a provider who offers more advantageous benefits, at your request we’ll help you obtain those benefits. We’ll only recommend a provider who has a long track record of providing quality service to their customers.
On an ongoing basis, we will help you manage your services and audit your bills for accuracy. The net effect of our services is that you will have experienced utility managers acting on your behalf without the overhead usually involved in hiring employees. Not only do you avoid these expenses, but we return money to your organization every month in the form of the savings we uncovered. At your request, we can review your services with no obligation.
Our responsibilities include:
1. Constantly monitoring the market for the most aggressive programs and quality suppliers
2. Explaining to our customers in layman’s terms the current status of the energy markets, what
options are available and the benefits and detriments of those choices.
3. Understanding our customers needs and concerns so we can recommend the correct
4. Managing our customer’s services on an ongoing basis.
What we offer:
1. Experience. We were founded in June, 2000 and our consultants average more than 20 years
of experience.
2. Strength in numbers. Because of the size of our customer base, we are able to negotiate the
most favorable pricing available. While your business is important to your supplier, if you made the
decision to move to another supplier they will have lost one account. If suppliers don’t provide the
pricing and service we expect, they will lose hundreds of customers.
3. No consulting contracts or obligations to us. If you’re happy with our recommendations and
service, we hope to continue to earn your business. If we don’t meet your expectations, we understand that we’re going to lose your business.
4. No obligation reviews of your current service. If we can’t offer benefits above and beyond
those you’re already experiencing, we’ll let you know. If we can, we’ll explain your options. It’s up to you as to whether you want to accept our recommendations.
5. Diversity of suppliers and programs. There is not a single solution or supplier that is best for
all customers. Being able to choose from a number of quality suppliers and programs allows us to tailor a solution to your needs. This approach is very different from suppliers who try to “sell” you on their
company and program.
6. Diversity of options. In addition to helping you lower and control your commodity cost, we
can help you reduce the amount of energy you use, giving you more permanent reductions in your
7. A low pressure, consultative approach. Once you understand your options and we have presented the
appropriate solutions, we encourage you to make a decision based on your schedule. We don’t like
high-pressure sales tactics either.
Natural Gas
Demand Response